Just Breathe

…I went for a walk in the rain yesterday and experienced the second most-refreshing moment of the day (of the past month actually)…

I try to escape the keyboard at least once a week (twice on the weekend for good behavior 🙂 ) but my mind was restless for a break from staring at the screen.  As I looked out the window, a beautiful sunrise had transitioned over to heavy cloud cover during the latter part of the morning.  The sky was still relatively serene, so I decided to take a chance on trying to out-race the approaching April shower to the nearby park.  Walking along in quiet seclusion down the riverbank, I ended up at the sandy cutout where fisherman, kayakers, and rowers launch their boats.  I watched the river stroll by like a sheet of shimmering silver, it’s pulsing waves rolling up and over the small sand dunes a few feet away.  It was at that moment when I did something I almost never do…I stopped thinking.  I let go of worries, anxieties, frustrations, even hopes and dreams and just existed in that very second.  Slight breeze rolling over my skin, filtered sunlight flowing from above, a family of Canadian geese being carried along with the gentle current, raindrops beginning to sprinkle across the watery surface and pelt the soft sandy shore in front of me.  Standing there in awe and silence, I realized some amazing discoveries…I could breathe…I could see…I could hear…I could feel…I had two legs to stand on and two arms to stretch toward the heavens with.  How had I forgotten about all of these wonderful blessings?  Better question, why would I allow myself to forget to be thankful for every chance I can use them to truly experience the fullness of life?  Even though there was no one else standing nearby, I had a sudden feeling I wasn’t watching the glimmering water alone.  I’m never truly alone, never as heart-broken as I sometimes feel, never as discouraged as I like to believe.  Why?  Because every once in awhile…exactly when I am in greatest need…I get a glimpse at my true inspiration…I stop trying to fall in love with people, things, or places, and I start to pursue my perfect romance once again…

A finger drops from the clouds and I connect with forever…Just breathe, wrap yourself in this moment, cherish what you have, share a smile with a distant stranger…Live, laugh, love

The day had turned cloudy, but sunrise was still dawning in my heart…I didn’t even mind that my freshly pressed hair was working overtime to curl up again 😛 ..LL♥

30 responses to “Just Breathe”

  1. This a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you very much for the compliment and the visit 🙂

  2. kenyanideology Avatar


    1. Thank you 😀

      1. kenyanideology Avatar

        You are welcome.

  3. Very beutiful thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Thank you for visiting!! Hope you post more photos soon, the others are beautiful 🙂

  4. Great photos and blog! I could stare at that water for days. Thank you for stopping by and liking my post about Palm Springs.

    1. You’re very welcome and thanks for your visit as well! I really liked your post ‘Scandal in Paris’..who knew such a small thing would stir up so much conflict, even back then? Interesting..might have to see if the library has that.. 🙂

      1. I hope you do– it’s a good read!

  5. A breath of this ocean air would do me well!

    1. Yes, indeed, I remember this day well..very refreshing and relaxing 🙂

  6. I really love this one, Lenise! Beautiful post indeed!

    1. Aww..thank you 🙂 A great compliment from a talented writer such as you!

      1. I’m humbled. U are a great writer yourself, and the visuals add more spirit to your writing. It’s very moving!

      2. Thanks 😀 😀

  7. Not thinking is as rewarding as the greatest creative moments… and probably taps into a similar part of the brain. Do it, do it, do it ’til you’re satisfied! 😉

    1. Agreed 🙂 It’s definitely refreshing..and somewhat enlightening..Sometimes over-thinking blocks creative energy..Standing back, waiting, and then the bigger picture finally comes into focus 😀

  8. Lenise,Beautiful post indeed!

    1. Thank you for your kind compliment 😀

  9. That’s really beautiful. 🙂

    1. Thank you very much 🙂

  10. I’d never guess this was a river bank – it must be so wide at this point! The waterside comes the top of my list when I’m out alone.

    1. Haha..there’s a good reason why it looks to wide..this is actually my view from the AC Jersey shore 🙂 but this photo helped to capture the turbulent emotions I was feeling while living then writing about my ‘Just Breathe’ moment..I love the waterside..My element is water, so I am always drawn to any shoreline or large body of water..If you want to see the riverbank I live near, check out the ‘Take A Walk With Me’ post..Thanks for the visit!!

  11. I miss my ocean 😦

    1. Aww..which ocean would that be? ..Hopefully a snapshot of mine will suffice for now..this is a view of the enigmatic Atlantic..it was a stormy twilight a few summers ago..Happy Friday 🙂

      1. Yeah the Atlantic, I grew up on the canals and beaches of Long Island, NY. Was a great shot of the water and sky. I’m so trying to get out of Ohio.

      2. Yes..come back to the east coast..I did a head count and we’re definitely missing some awesome people 🙂 Your writing is fantastic..and so is your artwork on Zazzle..love the color patterns..wow..’The mixed blessing of professional/career stability can restrict true artistic thinking and expression’..so very true..

      3. Oh thanks for such awesome words! Yes I am definitely restricted 🙂 I’m working on that though. Whatever I can do to break out of 9 to 5 slavery I am doing it as of, well about a month now, so it’s gonna be a long road. Thanks for checking out my zazzle! The servers are shit slow lately and about half my categories are appearing empty! I’m sorta freaking out, those are my newest products. Oh well, it will take as long as it’s gonna take I guess. I have other projects to further for now too. Keep in touch!

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